Tuesday, February 28, 2012

About Me

(See endorsements, supporters and answers to candidate questions below)
  • 16 year resident of Wellesley
  • Attorney with specialty firm, McCauley Lyman LLC, developing renewable energy projects http://www.mccauleylyman.com/ourlawyers.html#Don
  • Married to Ann Marie McCauley, nurse with Hospice of  the North Shore and Greater Boston
  • Three children: our daughter is currently a sophomore at the High School and our two sons are graduates of the Wellesley schools
  • Graduate of Williams College and Harvard Law School

Town of Wellesley Involvement
  • Planning Board member since 2007
  • Advisory Committee Member 2004 – 2007
  • Town Meeting Member since 2002
  • Town Government Accomplishments:
            Large House Review
            Retaining Walls Bylaw
            Sign Bylaw
            St. James Committee
            Tree Preservation Bylaw
            Wellesley Square Initiative

"Our family has thrived in Wellesley, and I am committed to work with all, in an independent, respectful, and thoughtful manner to enhance our Town."

For answers to Candidate Questions published in the Townsman see http://www.wickedlocal.com/wellesley/news/x1957361693/Candidates-for-Wellesley-Board-of-Selectmen-respond-to-Townsmans-questions#axzz1oeTOXoUS

Endorsements & Supporters

Heather Sawitsky
“I am supporting Don McCauley because of his exceptional leadership on the Planning Board, his thoughtful approach to problem solving, and his ability to effectively work with a wide range of people. He would be a great addition to the Board of Selectmen.”

Jack Morgan
“Don’s service on Advisory as well as his accomplishments in gaining Town Meeting acceptance of a number of important Planning and zoning initiatives are a testament that rather than pursuing simplistic objectives he will serve with moderation and prudence coupled with a commitment to making Wellesley a better place for all of us to live.”

Ann Lister Hile
“In my experience, Don McCauley has been very bright and very dedicated to Wellesley, in his service on the Planning Board and Advisory. We will be in good hands with Don McCauley on the Board of Selectmen.” 

Shannon Scarlett
“Don McCauley is one of the most conscientious and thoughtful people I have met. His work with the Planning Board was not only thorough but also very effective in implementing positive change in bylaws and policy. I highly recommend everyone to vote for Don.” 

Janet Z. Giele
“Don McCauley’s experience as an attorney, member of the Planning Board and Advisory Committee serves as an outstanding set of qualifications for the Board of Selectmen. His interest in the Wellesley Square Initiative shows his foresight in taking on an important but challenging issue.” 

Stephanie Wasser
“Having served with Don on the Planning Board, I know he has been focused and passionate in preserving the town’s character, including improvements to Large House Review and creation of the Tree Protection By-law…and he’s done it with grace, intellect and good humor. I strongly support him for Selectman.”

Rose Mary Donahue (in a letter to the Editor, Wellesley Townsman)
     With the slate for this year’s Town elections now set, I am writing in support of Don McCauley’s candidacy for the Board of Selectmen. Having served with Don on the Planning Board, I know him to be a diligent and hard-working citizen, committed to the best interests of the Town and its residents.

Don was a valued colleague on the Planning Board where he made significant contributions on a number of important initiatives, including the enactment of the Town’s retaining wall bylaw, improvements to the Large House Review process, and the adoption of a tree bylaw to protect the Town’s mature trees. His familiarity the Town’s with major planning initiatives, including the Comprehensive Plan, will provide a base of knowledge that will inform the deliberations of the Board. His experience with the review of significant development projects will bring pertinent skills and a unique perspective to the Selectmen, particularly where parking and traffic matters are under consideration.

Over the years, I have been impressed with Don’s leadership skills, as well as his willingness and ability to tackle complex issues. He is an independent thinker and a patient listener, who understands the importance of public process, and the benefits that can result from hearing alternate views on important topics. All of these qualities, in addition to his experience, make him an excellent candidate for the position.

     In closing, I would like to thank Don for his willingness to stand for election to this important position. I hope join me in supporting his candidacy.
Chris Chan
Vote for Don if you want someone who can effectively tackle the most challenging Town issues with creativity, reasonableness, and conviction.

Laura Fragasso
As a citizen working with Don and the Planning Board, I have always found him to be respectful, curious, patient and empathetic about community concerns and challenges. I appreciate the way he allows the contributions and talents of others to emerge. I admire how important Wellesley and its sense of place are to Don. I believe he’s the best candidate to further enhance our community and make Wellesley a place that everyone will love as much as he does.


Marlene Allen
Duncan and Patricia Andrews
Paul and Katie Baudisch
John Begg
John and Susan Calcio
William Charlton
Gwen Cheek
Jim Conlin
Paul Criswell and Pam Kubbins
John Fortini
Laura & Phil Fragasso
Janet Z. Giele
Rose Mary Donahue
Kate Griffin and Jim Drury
Beth and Mike Harrington
Ann Lister Hile
Dona Kemp
Sharon and Michael Kiernan
Phil and Dottie Laughlin
Josh and Suzy Littlefield
Sam McConnell
Raina & Michael McManus
Deborah and Harry Merkin
Jack and Linda Morgan
Robert H. Murphy
Stephen Murphy
Laurie Ohlms and Dave Waisel
Priscilla and Tony Parker
Alice and Tom Peisch
Jared and Jennifer Perry
Ilissa and Lon Povich
Joe and Zina Roberts
Mark and Susan Robinson
Susan Ryan
Heather Sawitsky
Tim and Shannon Scarlett
Ellen and Stuart Scott
Paul and Barbara Shellito
Julie and Rob Steen
Rebecca, Andrew, Will and Nellie Stoeckle
Stephanie Wasser
Fred and Sue Wright
Andy Wrobel
Charlie and Margo Yie

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